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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Church, politics don?t mix

By By By Zack Oakey October 18, 2009

Religion and politics are subjects that most people see as difficult issues to coordinate, let alone understand and talk about. This is particularly true for the U, where a large percentage of students are members of one church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Utah?s lack of education funds a disgrace

By By By Jonathan Deesing October 18, 2009

Utah has long had the lowest per-pupil spending in the nation for public education. In fact, no current student in Utah's public K-12 system has attended school when Utah was not the most miserly state in the nation. In our heavily conservative state, lawmakers are averse to raising taxes8212;the easiest and most effective way to increase funding.

Probation damages KUTE?s legitimacy

By By By Whitney Fitts October 4, 2009

It's sad to see great opportunities misused and unappreciated8212;someone needs to tell that to the staff of KUTE radio.

Drivers need patience in U traffic

By By By Brandon Beifuss and By By Brandon Beifuss October 1, 2009

In the past month, 22 traffic reports have been filed in the U area, according to, a website that bears the seal of8212;and reports to8212;Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff.

Uneducated opinions on therapy hurt gays

By By By Jonathan Deesing September 27, 2009

By By Jonathan DeesingOne of the silliest and most inane things human beings do is argue about morality. In these arguments, no one can ever be right or wrong. Thus, people generally turn to scare tactics,...

DeChristopher not above the law

By By By Zack Oakey September 27, 2009

The legal tradition within the United States, Utah and U politics is straightforward in one finite respect: If you want to change the laws, by all means contact your local congressman, representative and the general public to make your case. One U student named Tim DeChristopher didn't understand this simple principle, and it got him into legal trouble. We ought to support his punishment.

Look to the future when considering the environment

By By Myron willson September 9, 2009

When asked to provide a column for The Daily Utah Chronicle on an environmental issue of local interest, I began to consider the many issues that could be addressed.

U should accept drinking on campus as inevitable

By By John, Stafford September 9, 2009

Incidents this fall concerning on-campus drinking such as the unconscious student found in the Sage Point Residence Halls and the Tasing of an intoxicated student at Crimson Nights show the problems and the administrative reaction it precipitates.

Herbert?s comments on gay rights are worrisome

By By Joseph, Simmons September 8, 2009

I figured it would take me a few months until I would know just how badly I missed Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., but then I also figured that it would take then-Lt. Gov. Gary Herbert a few months until he would do or say something worrisome. I was wrong.

Financial aid is available?if you can find it

By By Charly Kuecks September 7, 2009

As a four-year veteran of higher education, I've learned how to file a tax return, open a checking account and apply for scholarships and jobs. For those younger students learning to navigate the perils of living on their own8212;from laundry sorting to dating drama to increased schoolwork8212;the Byzantine process of finding ways to cut tuition costs can be frustrating, time-consuming and overwhelming.