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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Be understanding of immigrants

By By Steven Warrick April 14, 2009

In the final analysis, if left to their own devices, many people will naturally adopt the better parts of those other cultures they come in contact with. We should neither fear what recent immigrants have to show us nor worry that our culture is noncompetitive.

Charity is always necessary

By By Spencer Merrick April 13, 2009

If a monetary donation is truly not an option, donate time. There are countless organizations in need of volunteers. Let's continue to open up our hearts and help those in need in any way we can8212;especially if it's inconvenient.

Hemp should be part of our green future

By By John Stafford April 13, 2009

Although it might be, the propaganda of the past seems to still have mainstream America too dazed and confused to see the benefits of anything prefaced by the terrifying name cannabis.

Safe zones’ would create false perceptions

By By Alicia Williams April 13, 2009

The Safe Zone Program is truly about educating and including people, the department of LGBT Resources should consider renaming it because the name itself creates boundaries and segregation.

Immigration enforcement law useless

By By Aaron Zundel April 12, 2009

If Noel and his constituents are really concerned about fighting illegal immigration, they should be focusing on legislation that either facilitates legal, well-regulated immigration. or addresses the underlying economic causes that spur illegal immigration in the first place, not passing ineffective laws and threatening the budgets of law enforcement.

U.S. needs tighter belt, not higher taxes

By By Liz Carlston April 12, 2009

There will be winners and losers, but for now, America needs to go through this belt-tightening to purge through bad credit and bad decisions. The outcome will be a stronger America, one that will produce long-lasting sustainable economic value.

A passage to sustainability

By By Edwin Firmage April 12, 2009

Sustainable living rejects in principle the instrumental view of nature and extends this golden rule to all living beings. Sustainable living is, therefore, living in community with all other people and all other beings, recognizing their equal and inalienable right to the earth's bounty.

Chronicle should mention smaller sports

April 12, 2009

While it is wonderful to have a student-produced paper, it would be greatly appreciated if they would show at least even a hint of interest in those smaller varsity sports teams we have on campus.

Reinstating automatic weapon ban would be ineffective

By By Steven Warrick April 9, 2009

A new AWB in the United States will have about as much effect on drug violence in Mexico as stopping beer sales in one store will have on fraternity drinking.

Save a life and make some cash with your plasma

By By Sabriel Harris April 9, 2009

With minimum effort, I continue to have a fair amount of spending money in my wallet every two days and potentially save lives at the same time. Plasma is a natural resource one hardly thinks about and rarely uses. It is only fair we give it to someone who can benefit from it.