The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


We must become stewards of the broken U.S. economy

By By Aaron Zundel January 12, 2009

If the United States is to remain a world economic superpower it will be up to us to become the good stewards of the economy that our parents were not.

UTA’s tap on/off system useful

By By Eric Evans January 12, 2009

While building a new habit of having rider cards handy at entrances and exits will take some time and be somewhat inconvenient, especially for those toting bikes, cooperation might provide some benefit in the future.

Team brings notoriety to U

January 12, 2009

Beyond being proud of the Utes' performance, students, faculty and community members should be grateful for the positive national attention they earned for the U and the financial prospects they made possible.

Recreational shooting not about violence

December 12, 2008

As a gun owner and recreational shooter I take offense to Emily Rodriguez-Vargas' insinuation that owning guns and shooting them for recreation turns people into homicidal, violence-loving maniacs ("Guns shouldn't be recreational," Dec. 11).

Work spaces too uncomfortable

By By Ross Solomon December 12, 2008

Although these setups might seem fine and dandy for many students, a closer look will show that most of these workstations are an ergonomic nightmare, sometimes entirely unusable, and a potential health hazard for anyone who uses them.

Practicing with guns is necessary

December 12, 2008

If the legitimate purpose of a gun is to be able to defend yourself, when you are assaulted you are going to need to tap into some major aggression in order to kill the other guy before they kill you.

Zombie-like buying defeats holiday spirit

By By Ross Solomon December 11, 2008

This holiday season, just like every year, throngs of eager shoppers are mobbing the nearest retailer with one simple intention: Buy, buy, buy.

Guns shouldn’t be recreational

By By Emily Rodriguez-Vargas December 11, 2008

The once-high values of America are found in the gun-loving hands of individuals seeking not to combat real problems such as war, crime and poverty, but to exercise their freedom to the fullest extent for recreation.

Reimherr columns are useless

December 11, 2008

Once again, The Chronicle has published an inane, rambling letter written by ASUU President Patrick Reimherr ("Corequisite not a burden," Dec. 10) that serves no function other than to bore readers, toot his own horn and fill space

Clery not adequate

By By Alicia Williams December 11, 2008

The required Clery statistics themselves do not accurately report the prevalent theft problem on campus.