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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Social media pulled up on the phone on Wednesday, March 14, 2018. (Photo by Curtis Lin)

Alexander: Misinformation Discredits Social Activism

By CJ Alexander, Special Projects Managing Editor September 11, 2020

  No one can deny the revolutionary role that social media plays in today’s activism. With modern technology, we are able to communicate with people across the globe with just the click of a...

Students at the University of Utah are following the COVID-19 guidelines by wearing masks while working on campus. (Photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Nelson: It’s a Mask, Not a Muzzle

By Paige Nelson, Opinion Writer September 11, 2020

  As students return to campus, confirmed COVID-19 case numbers have risen in college towns all over the country. Tuscaloosa, home of the University of Alabama, just exceeded 2,000 positive cases...

The Salt Lake City and County Building located in downtown Salt Lake City. (Photo by Jalen Pace | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Reese: It’s Time for Salt Lake City to Pedestrianize Its Streets

By Isaac Reese, Opinion Writer September 10, 2020

  The start of the COVID-19 pandemic gave many Americans cabin fever as we stayed indoors to prevent and limit the spread of a deadly virus (which, for the record, is still raging despite Utah...

A student sita in the Marriott library to work on her online class, Monday, August 31, 2015.

Scott: Not Just Boomers: Young People Are Falling for Internet Conspiracies

By Elise Scott, Opinion Writer September 10, 2020

  If asked to describe the demographic most likely to post wildly sensationalist and factually-challenged political content on social media, many people would single out baby boomers. This is understandable,...

TikTok and other Chines apps can pose privacy threats to American users. (Photo by Hailey Danielson | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Burton: But Really, You Should Watch Out for TikTok

By Logan Burton, Opinion Writer September 9, 2020

  Relations between the United States and China have been tense for quite some time now, and 2020 is no exception. There have been numerous tense moments between the countries this year, including...

Attendee writes an Angela Davis quote in chalk at Washington Square Park for the Juneteenth celebration in Salt Lake City on June 19, 2020. (Photo by Ivana Martinez | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Soter: Hire an Artist of Color, Destroy a Racist Monument

By Theadora Soter, Multimedia Managing Editor September 9, 2020

  Fallen Monument Park in Moscow, Russia is full of statues of communist leaders, like Stalin and Lenin, who ruled Russia during the Soviet era. The park now commemorates the lives lost because...

Improving women's health care is essential to achieving gender equality. (Photo by Camille Rousculp | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Poma: Achieving Gender Equality in Utah Will Require Better Attention to Women’s Health

By Sasha Poma, Assistant Opinion Editor September 8, 2020

  For the third year in a row, Utah recently ranked the worst state in the nation for women’s equality. And, sadly, most people weren’t surprised. While the announcement probably calls the...

(Photo by Abu Asib | The Daily Utah Chronicle)

Christopherson: No, the Pandemic Doesn’t Warrant A 50% Tuition Cut

By Nain Christopherson, Assistant Opinion Editor September 8, 2020

  It’s a rough year to be a college student, to say the least. Since the coronavirus pandemic forced colleges and universities to shut down in March, many of us have lost jobs and missed out...

Republican Headquarters in Salt Lake City on Wednesday October 3rd, 2018 (Photo by: The Daily Utah Chronicle).

Barron: Don’t Vote for Utah’s RNC Republicans

By Morgan Barron, Opinion Writer September 8, 2020

  Three Utah politicians played major roles in the recent Republican National Convention — two of whom are seeking office this November. Senator Mike Lee proudly cast Utah’s 40 Republican delegate...

(Design by Taylor Maguire | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Editorial: Why We’re Creating an Editorial Board

By The Daily Utah Chronicle Editorial Board September 7, 2020

  The last two years have been uniquely turbulent for the University of Utah. In 2018, we saw the inauguration of a new university president and, just over a month later, the on-campus murder of...