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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Eugenics and anti-abortion both white-male sentiments

April 2, 2013

Esau Walton was not surgically sterilized in 1929 because he had already been institutionally sterilized at the Utah State Prison. Utah — along with 32 other white-male-dominated states — participated...

Travelers should consider quality instead of quantity

March 29, 2013

GRANADA ADVENTURE Chronicle copy editor Niki Harris juxtaposes American and European life as she studies abroad One of the things I was most excited about when I went to Europe was the opportunity to travel....

Penalties for bad driving need better enforcement

March 29, 2013

In the past year, there have been noticeable increases in careless or distracted drivers on the roads. Many drivers are distracted by their technological devices or other adults and children in the car....

Court ruling won’t solve marriage issues

March 29, 2013

The United States is approaching a historical milestone. The Supreme Court holds the futures of millions of Americans in its hands. The verdict looks promising for the supporters of same-sex marriage....

United States should foster creativity

March 28, 2013

This week, Japanese architect Toyo Ito won the Pritzker Prize, a prestigious award considered worldwide to be the Nobel Prize of Architecture. Since its founding by Jay and Cindy Pritzker in 1979, architects...

Obama’s Israel visit could spark change

March 28, 2013

Three critical things happened during Obama’s visit to Irsael last week. First, some background information to emphasize the importance of these three events. One hundred and seventy-two years ago this...

Herbert’s veto represents a bold move

March 28, 2013

Gov. Gary Herbert vetoed HB 76 — the “constitutional carry” bill that would make it legal for gun owners to carry a concealed weapon in public without a permit on March 22. The bill made it through...

Redesigning Pres. Eisenhower memorial waste of time, funds

March 27, 2013

The Eisenhower Memorial is a $142 million design put together in the early ’90s. It is an expensive, bureaucratic mess. The Eisenhower family does not support the current iteration, and it has yet to...

Immigrants valuable addition to the U

March 27, 2013

When Irma Hodzic found her way to the U, it wasn’t easy for her to comprehend the strange world she would be thrust into. Her homeland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, with its plush green, mountainous and riverside...

Human’s view of idyllic nature unrealistic

March 26, 2013

The notion that humans and nature are mutually exclusive is central to the arguments of American environmentalists. As environmental historian William Cronon noted, “the place where we are is the place...