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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Find alternative transportation to cut down on pollution

By By Liz Carlston February 23, 2009

If you drive a clunker, be aware of the pollution you're putting into the air if you ignore the manufacturer's suggested maintenance schedule just to save a few bucks.

Full-page hate ads harmful, ignorant

By By John Stafford February 23, 2009

Recent debate about the Common Ground Initiative has fully exposed the blatant bigotry that exists in this state.

Buttars crossed the line

By By Aaron Zundel February 23, 2009

Buttars spewed some of his slimiest rhetoric yet during a recent interview with documentary filmmaker Reed Cowan, comparing homosexuals to radical Muslims.

LGBTQ people ask for equality, not special rights

By By Cathy Martinez, Staff Writer February 23, 2009

The Common Ground Initiative was one step toward equality. Granting human rights to LGBTQ people through legislation will not take anything away from society; it will only add to society.

Tax credit an insufficient incentive

February 20, 2009

There are worse things than an insubstantial tax discount, but H.B. 35 is intended to be an incentive, not a donation. If lawmakers really want to convince students to stay in Utah, they should consider a more substantial tuition tax credit. Otherwise, the money should be reinvested in primary and secondary education.

Let greek system fail

By By James Sewell February 20, 2009

If the greek system is about to fail, let it. If the chapters are interested in increasing their presence on campus and recruiting more students, then the national organizations which govern them are welcome to empty their coffers into the effort. But the U shouldn't spend one red cent supporting a system of social networking of dubious benefit to the wider community.

Try real life social networking

By By Spencer Merrick February 20, 2009

Students disappointed by the apparently antisocial nature of the U would better profit from the good old-fashioned social networks. Join a club, a fraternity, a sorority, or keep yourself posted on the events on campus.

Time for ASUU to cut the crap

By By Christopher Kamrani February 19, 2009

I'm sorry, but it's a revolving door of dramatics that people stopped caring about a long, long time ago. I don't know whether or not to care where my $25 worth of ASUU student fees go to anymore. We've seen and heard enough.

Parenting more significant than celebs? behavior

By By John Stafford February 19, 2009

In reality, the fact that Phelps was stupid enough to pick up a bong during a house party in which about 90 percent of the people probably had access to some sort of camera phone, should be more of a deterrent to marijuana use than any D.A.R.E campaign could ever be. If not the rest of the country, Utah should get over it.

Huntsman serves as an example to out-of-touch Utah Legilsature

By By John Hannon February 19, 2009

While Huntsman is running forward with Utah, the Legislature seems to be running in circles. Instead of learning from him, our lawmakers seem to be bent on showing him who's boss in Utah politics. You'd think they'd catch a hint that he isn't the problem.