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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Verboseness a trap for college students

By By Spencer Merrick February 13, 2009

As our vocabulary increases during college, let's be sure to use it to better communication, not our perceived intelligence. It's no easier to understand people who are trying to patch up a pointless statement with haughty wordiness than it is to understand people who are speaking with their mouth full of marshmallows.

Rain clouds don?t hold a candle to the economy

By By James Sewell February 13, 2009

I want to live in a place that values education and social consciousness and wants to reward me (only moderately) for working toward meaningful ends. Surely the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, is able to do this. Or is it?

Senate should reconsider position on bill to expedite student eviction

February 12, 2009

Instead of maintaining a process that wastes six weeks of time, tax-payer money and the time of possible renters, the Senate should snap out of it and follow the House's lead.

Necessity of ethics bill speaks of larger problem

By By John Hannon February 12, 2009

The fact that a bill like this would even be considered is a little frightening. If our elected lawmakers are having difficulty deciding whether or not it is okay to make threats, abuse their power and accept bribes, we have a much larger problem than a bill is going to fix.

Sex toy definitely better than having a husband

February 12, 2009

I think Susie should stick to her sex toy and forget about getting a husband like Samuel Passi suggests ("Susie needs a husband, not sex-toy stimulation," Feb. 11).

There is a difference between U students and elementary kids

February 12, 2009

This is in response to Samuel Passi regarding the Durex vibrator ad ("Susie needs a husband, not sex-toy stimulation," Feb. 11). Are we really going to compare a college newspaper, whose readers included those over the age of 18 and beyond, with that of a junior high or elementary school handout?

Sacred’ initiative promotes inequality

February 11, 2009

I am writing as a concerned citizen over the Sacred Ground Initiative that the Sutherland Institute has kicked off. The people in support of it claim to keep families together, but only at the cost of tearing other families apart.

Universe Project bad for school, community

By By Steven Warrick and By Steven Warrick February 11, 2009

The proposed Universe Project is attractive and appealing in some ways but has a number of problems that drown out its positive aspects.

UMFA lecturer uncompassionate

By and February 11, 2009

If you attended the recent lecture by scientist Richard Davidson at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, you witnessed an individual (me) who questioned his research regarding compassion and the human brain.

Susie needs a husband, not a sex-toy stimulation

By and February 11, 2009

In response to the Durex sex toy promotional ad The Chronicle distributed Monday, I personally am not really fazed by such ads and see them as just another attempt for people to make money off of the broken morals of society. However, I can't believe that The Chronicle and the university as a whole would allow this garbage to be distributed on campus