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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Crisis crunches student loans

By By James Sewell September 30, 2008

Regardless of whatever plan finally passes, the fact remains that hundreds of billions of dollars are at stake and spending will have to be cut in the coming years. The question is where.

ASUU scores big with VoteProject

By By Oakley Gordon September 30, 2008

Every U student should be proud of VoteProject. The College Democrats have endorsed and supported VoteProject all semester and I encourage the College Republicans to join us in providing volunteers for the final week of VoteProject's registration drive.

Future of higher ed doesn’t look bright

September 29, 2008

By cutting budgets indiscriminately and refusing to tap into emergency funds, the Legislature is cutting off its nose to spite its face.

Youth vote overlooked

By By Dustin Gardiner, Editor in Chief September 29, 2008

One can't help feeling as if this trend toward an increasingly politically active youth has been ignored. The emergence of young voters this year and in 2004 is probably one of the most under-covered political phenomena in the last decade.

Obama is ready for office

By By Brendon Gehrke September 29, 2008

If there was a tie in the debate, it breaks toward Obama. Obama's goal was to demonstrate that he could go blow-to-blow with McCain on foreign policy, his opponent's supposed strength and his own wrongfully alleged weakness.

McCain has experience

By By Craig Elder September 29, 2008

Friday night's debate not only displayed the experience and strong-willed attitude of McCain to do what is right despite his party's platform or the possibility of losing votes, but also displayed how Obama will shift to win the presidency.

Animal rights oganizations unreasonable

By By Aaron Shaddy September 26, 2008

Animal rights are a real issue, but some of its biggest voices make it hard to take it seriously.

U should follow anti-idling campaign

By By Craig Forster September 25, 2008

Our local mayors are joining others across the country in inviting drivers to save gas, improve air quality and promote good health by turning off car engines whenever parked and waiting for more than 10 seconds (except in traffic).

Pappas should show some class

September 25, 2008

The sexual metaphor used in Nick Pappas' column ("Team should set its standards higher," Sept. 24) was offensive and inappropriate.

Celebrity fixation a sad commentary

By By Liz Carlston September 25, 2008

It's a sad truth that America is more inclined to vote for entertainment on a television show than to vote in a presidential election