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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Men’s Basketball, Swim Teams Earn Academic Honors

By , , and January 3, 2002

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University Light Rail Line Brings Commuters to Campus

By , , , , , and January 3, 2002
Light rail has arrived at the U, and President Bernie Machen hopes the trains transport a solution to the campus' transportation woes. New construction projects have eaten 1,000 student parking spots, and the Olympics will take another 3,200. The crunch has frustrated faculty and students alike, but with little land to build new lots on and not enough money to build a garage, the U will rely on public transportation.

Former Ute Star Earns Invite to NFL Pro Bowl

By , , and January 3, 2002

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Letter to the Editor: Toppling the U’s Parking Tyranny

Editor: I would like to express my support for Steve Rinehart and wish him well in his endeavor to topple the parking tyranny at the U. Although I do not own a parking permit, I agree that those who have bought them have been treated dishonestly and that parking services needs to compensate those it has cheated and lied to.

The Chronicle’s View: Despite Setbacks Season Was a Success

By and January 2, 2002
This time just a year ago, U football coach Ron McBride was contending with headhunters out for his job for the umpteenth time after the promise of a potential conference championship quickly degenerated into a 4-7 finish. Through it all, he remained unperturbed, expressing support for his players, making changes to the staff and personnel and all the while maintaining his belief that his football team was a good one.

Opinion Cartoon: The New Trend

By , , , , , and January 2, 2002

Looking Ahead in 2002 With a Lively Dialogue

By and January 2, 2002
Ordinarily, this weekly column space is reserved for some type of liberal propaganda?youthfully idealistic rant and repartee posing as legitimate social commentary. Today's rag being the first installment of 2002, however, a brief respite from the usual fire breathing seems appropriate.

Snow Pushes Deer From Foothills to U

By and January 2, 2002
Deer and Moose Cause Campus Accidents, Stress Laura B. Weiss Chronicle Opinion Editor Deer don't mix well with humans, according to U Police Sgt. Don Bird. And with the significant influx of wild animals on campus, this mixture has lead to several clashes.

Formal Truce Not Met in Mid East

By and January 2, 2002
JERUSALEM?On the eve of a new U.S. mediation mission, Ariel Sharon's advisers said Wednesday that the Palestinians have not yet met the prime minister's condition for a formal truce?a week without attacks on Israelis. The United States does not fully back Sharon's demand?U.

Airport Security 30 Years Out-of-Date

By and January 2, 2002
WASHINGTON?At airports, the war on terrorism is being fought with 30-year-old weapons. Metal detectors and X-ray machines used to screen passengers and carry-on luggage date from the 1970s, when they were deployed to prevent hijackings. They can't detect plastic explosives, such as those allegedly hidden in the shoes of a man aboard a Paris-to-Miami flight on Dec.