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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Baseball Sweeps Past T-Wolves

March 28, 2002
The U baseball team achieved its goal of a two-game series sweep as it defeated the Southern Colorado Thunderwolves in the final game of the series Wednesday, 9-6. The approach to playing Southern Colorado this week was much different for Ute coach Tim Esmay, as the majority of the hitters and pitchers he threw out on the mound were sophomores and freshmen.

Diabetes Resource Center Opens

By By Fred Thaller March 28, 2002
If you build it, they will come! And come they did yesterday to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the new Utah Diabetes Center in Research Park. A host of dignitaries and U officials showed up to celebrate the opening of U Health Science Center's newest crown jewel.

The Chronicle’s View: Leavitt Should Have Vetoed Tuition Bill

March 28, 2002
The Utah State Legislature and Gov. Mike Leavitt continue to make it harder to attend school in Utah. Amidst a year of budget slashing and tuition increases, their newest target is non-resident students. Leavitt recently signed House Bill 331, requiring out-of-state students to complete 60 credit hours before gaining residency.

1,010 Vote on First Day, Polls Close at 9

March 28, 2002
Campaign signs cover the lawns and windows of campus as students compete for positions on the final ballots of student elections. Online voting for the primary elections of the Associated Students of the University of Utah began yesterday at 7 a.m. and will continue until 9 p.

ASUU Presidential Candidate Statements: Impact

March 28, 2002
Oftentimes in student campaigns, both past and present, we hear idealistic statements and "glittering generalities." These may include, "We're going to make the U campus a better place," or, "We're going to solve the parking problem." While these ideas are both valiant and necessary, the distinction of the Impact Party from the rest lies in our specific ideas of how to solve these problems coupled with our leadership experience in all aspects of university life.

ASUU Presidential Candidate Statements: Probable Cause

March 28, 2002
WE ARE THE GRAD STUDENTS RUNNING FROM THE LAW SCHOOL, AND WE ARE UNAFRAID OF THE ISSUES THE OTHER CANDIDATES WON'T CONFRONT. Through our undergraduate and graduate educations, we've watched a world of candidates who do nothing but show their party names and faces.

ASUU Presidential Candidate Statements: Elevation

March 28, 2002
We are the Elevation Party. We are excited that the elections are finally here. We have found students to be very responsive to our efforts to increase the voter turnout. Thank you to all of you who vote! We want to let you know why our party is different from all the rest.

The Chronicle’s View: Student Visa Law Is Illusion of Safety

March 28, 2002
Once again lawmakers have proposed legislation that will give the illusion of safety, while in reality only provide college campuses with more work. The U.S. Senate is now debating and will most likely pass the Visa Entry Reform Act of 2001, which will require college campuses to provide the government with information from all international students on a regular basis.

Women Must Set Their Own Standards

March 28, 2002
Syracuse University student Lisa Diebold downed two pitchers of beer, had an argument with her boyfriend and then put her fist through the rear window of her car. She likes drinking. She likes it so much that she even has a handful of nights where she can't recall what took place.

Utah Science Center: U Professor Hopes A Museum Will Increase Science Literacy

March 28, 2002
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has one. Anchorage, Alaska, has one. And even Boise, Idaho, has one. Soon, Salt Lake City will have one, too. In late 2003, the Utah Science Center will open to the public. The old Salt Lake City Library, which will be vacant once the new city library is completed, will be the home to dozens of scientific exhibits and laboratories.