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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Vegan for the Holidays

Vegan for the Holidays

By Madge Slack November 8, 2017

In today’s world, diets seem to be all the rage. Along with diets come protests and research to denounce their healthiness and discourage potential followers. Veganism, however, is not a fad diet. Vegetarianism,...

Taking the Unpaved Road

Taking the Unpaved Road

By Madge Slack November 3, 2017

Have you ever felt so inspired by something you just couldn’t stay away? Is there a path you always seem to end up talking no matter the detours you take? These are common occurrences in the lives of...

All Hallows Eve: Do You Have The Spells it Takes?

By Madge Slack October 30, 2017

Have you ever wondered why Halloween exists? All Hallows Eve is the night before Nov. 1 which is also known as the Samhain, which marks the second harvest and the coming of winter. It is the start of the...

Shockheaded Peter will shock you silly

Shockheaded Peter will shock you silly

By Madge Slack October 24, 2017

What’s the scariest thing you can imagine? Losing your home? Failing your finals? Graduating? Maybe it’s your partner leaving or losing your job? Maybe it’s a child dying in a horrific accident,...

Olive with a rather important book in "Mercury" by Steve Yockey

“Mercury” halloween horror anyone will enjoy

By Madge Slack October 16, 2017

A horror-comedy that does the unexpected? How refreshing. Steve Yockey's latest play “Mercury,” is the perfect way to spend your evening, assuming you aren’t faint of heart. It combines humor, gore,...

Kick Off Halloween Season with this Horror Comedy of Outrageous Proportions

Kick Off Halloween Season with this Horror Comedy of Outrageous Proportions

By Madge Slack October 13, 2017

It must be the holiday season, seeing as Halloween decorations have been up since September and Christmas is already starting to creep in, and everyone is beginning to get sick of the gooey sweetness of...

The Trashcan Sinatras Have Seen It All, So Come See Them Perform

The Trashcan Sinatras Have Seen It All, So Come See Them Perform

By Madge Slack October 13, 2017

The Trashcan Sinatras have been through quite a lot since the beginning in 1987. The first two albums the group released included chart-topping songs, and promised an illustrious career for these Scots....

Dreaming Big Like Julie Wright-Costa

Dreaming Big Like Julie Wright-Costa

By Madge Slack October 13, 2017

The last line of a song in the second act of the musical “Steel Pier” is “But first you dream.” Julie Wright-Costa used it to illustrate her advice for young artists: “You are enough. Believe...

Skerryvore Gives Bagpipes New Sound

Skerryvore Gives Bagpipes New Sound

By Madge Slack October 2, 2017

If you find Scottish men attractive, but not their bagpipes, then I have the perfect activity for you. Skerryvore is Scottish band of eight guys. They do use bagpipes in their music, but they are by no...

New Jazz Club in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017. 

(Photo by Adam Fondren | Daily Utah Chronicle)

Get Jazzy With It: Avant Groove Adds Class to Bar Scene

By Madge Slack September 25, 2017

Avant-garde is defined as ìan intelligentsia that develops new or experimental concepts especially in the arts,î according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Avant Groove Jazz Club & Martini Bar...