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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Mentor? program raises questions

By By THE CHRONICLE?S VIEW November 9, 2009

Last spring, Tayler Clough, president of the Associated Students of the University of Utah, campaigned with a promise to install a U-sponsored student mentoring program for Utah high schools. But as ASUU approaches a vote on the program, we wonder if "mentoring" is the right word.

Bipartisanship should bring Matheson praise

By By By Jonathan Deesing November 9, 2009

We hear the term "RINO" (Republican in Name Only) tossed around a lot in Utah, where anything left of Limbaugh is considered socialism. Indeed, our last governor was accused of being a RINO for a number of reasons, including his stance on civil unions and liquor laws.

ASUU campaigns shouldn?t be restricted

By By By Zack Oakey November 9, 2009

Last week, the executives of the Associated Students of the University of Utah asked the Academic Senate to further restrict the amount of money and time candidates may spend on their elections. That will affect the administration as well as the quantity and quality of speech.

Recreation classes offer students a break

The Natural Resources Learning Program in the parks, recreation and tourism department has seen an increase in student credit hours over last year's enrollment, to the tune of 500 hours.

Safety building good idea in wrong location

By By By Douglas Jennings November 2, 2009

One of the more intriguing developments in the Tuesday municipal general election will be the future of Proposition 1: Public Safety Facilities.

High tuition justified by quality

By By By Zack Oakey November 2, 2009

Attending college is difficult but rewarding. Like all things desirable, it's no surprise that we would want it to be cheap. However, our desires must always be checked at the door whenever we have conversations about what is possible rather than what is desirable. The high cost of tuition is one reality that is here to stay, and there are economic reasons for it.

Continued tuition hikes are unjustifed

By By By Jonathan Deesing October 25, 2009

It seems as if college is quickly becoming the safest place during these tough economic times. You can't get fired or laid off from college, and when you leave, you're almost guaranteed to make more money and have less trouble finding a job.

Media has hyped up the virus beyond the real danger

By By By Whitney Fitts October 25, 2009

It always makes me feel just a little sad to have to call the media out for being ridiculous, but sometimes a call for repentance is necessary.

Utah?s lack of education funds a disgrace

By By By Jonathan Deesing October 18, 2009

Utah has long had the lowest per-pupil spending in the nation for public education. In fact, no current student in Utah's public K-12 system has attended school when Utah was not the most miserly state in the nation. In our heavily conservative state, lawmakers are averse to raising taxes8212;the easiest and most effective way to increase funding.

Church, politics don?t mix

By By By Zack Oakey October 18, 2009

Religion and politics are subjects that most people see as difficult issues to coordinate, let alone understand and talk about. This is particularly true for the U, where a large percentage of students are members of one church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.