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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Summer schedule a bad omen for U

By By Kiyan Sharifian March 5, 2009

This situation is an opportunity to look at more flexible ways to accommodate the students who want to move forward in their studies. This includes accommodations that will allow students to take independent study and find other ways to adapt to the environment of economic downturn.

Sustainability debate needs to cool down

By By John Hannon March 5, 2009

We're not deciding whether or not nuclear waste should be stored on campus. We're not deciding if same-sex couples should be given increased legal protections. Let's leave the big stuff to the Legislature (however scary a thought that might be) and view our issues realistically. Cool heads couldn't hurt.

Avoid Mexico for Spring Break

By By Liz Carlson March 5, 2009

After weeks of studying hard and enduring long classroom lectures, we all deserve a few days to put our feet up and relax during Spring Break. Be smart and have a good time. But know that there are potential dangers and Spring Break isn't all about reckless fun and games. No one wants to be the friend of the person that didn't come home.

Retrieval process ruins old-fashioned appeal of library

By By Jonathan Deesing March 5, 2009

I'm a history major and I love research. I used to love going to the Middle Eastern section in the Marriott Library and sifting through the dusty stacks to find the books I needed. I doubt that anyone who has seen an Indiana Jones film would argue against the appeal.

Demolishing Sugar House block was a mistake

By By Kiyan Sharifian March 5, 2009

As a part of the recovery package, billions of dollars in grants and loans are on the market for shovel-ready projects. The opportunity is ripe for a great proposal and lobbying effort to be made in the name of Sugar House. The sooner the project is completed, the better. Patience will not get buildings constructed or financing secured. Lingering in the past will not bring Sugar House culture back to the completed project. It is time to shelve the salt and heal the wound.

Utah?s porn addiction needs to be curbed

By By Alan Monsen March 5, 2009

Before the Olympics hit Salt Lake City in 2002, the state was synonymous with terms such as Mormons, skiing and John Stockton. In 2009, Utah gained another claim to fame8212;or infamy, by ranking first in the nation with searches for "pornography" according to Google trends, which analyzes and breaks down search terms by a given region. Utah ranked second in the world in this category, behind Delhi, India.

Commandments are not foundation for law

March 5, 2009

In regards to Steven Warrick's column ("Government has the right to reject monuments," March 4): I followed the introduction to the case of Pleasant Grove v. Summum with glee until he made the irresponsible assertion that "as the embodiment of right and wrong... (the ten commandments) are the foundation upon which our law is built."

Sharifian wrong about Summer business classes

March 5, 2009

In Kiyan Sharifian's column on the Summer Schedule ("Summer schedule a bad omen for U," March 5) he commented that the David Eccles School of Business only offers three business classes in the summer.

Dishonesty on applications shouldn?t go undetected

By By Jeffrey Jenkins March 4, 2009

Having no method to preserve the integrity of student applications is uncomfortably close to awarding dishonesty.

Government has the right to reject monuments

By By Steven Warrick March 4, 2009

Governments should have the right to honor the history and heritage of their people and communities without having to accept every monument offered to them. Public places should neither be devoid of governmental expression nor so cluttered with the monuments of every group that wants a display that they look like graveyards.