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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Utes struggle to win blood drive because of unwillingness to be involved

By By Alicia Williams September 24, 2008

There has to be an explanation as to why the U, with 28,000 students and 3,300 faculty members, can't beat USU's 16,000 on-campus student and 800 faculty member donors.

Hinckley Institute a valuable asset to U students

September 23, 2008

Between conducting a comprehensive U student straw poll, attracting phenomenal speakers, and providing on-site student coverage of the 2008 presidential campaigns, the Hinckley Institute has been busy raising the bar.

Anti-gun presidential candidates show affection for second amendment

By By Steven Warrick September 23, 2008

Criminals will continue to get guns, including AK-47s, despite the various ban, tax and registration schemes Obama might envision. What the government can do is to allow us to protect ourselves, which is why the Second Amendment is so important.

Married student health insurance not affordable

By By Jeffrey Jenkins September 23, 2008

The U should consider a contingency carrier to lower the cost for married students, or reform the current coverage plan agreed upon with GM-Southwest

LDS liquor statement a step forward

By By Anne Roper and By Anne Roper September 22, 2008

There has to be something wrong with a law if a church, especially the LDS Church, says it's too conservative.

Financial crisis just one of many problems

By By James Sewell and By James Sewell September 22, 2008

The endless striving for economic growth, to no particular end, is almost insane. We have, as a nation, the resources to solve all our problems. If we're in need of capital, it's of the political variety.

Red fest sound tests uncalled for during class hours

By and September 22, 2008

I think all the extracurricular events are great, and I attend them myself sometimes. But to let them get out of control to the point where they are interfering with the regular curriculum is just plain bad policy, not to mention infuriating.

Students should take advantage of Alternative Fall Break

By and September 22, 2008

Volunteering has come alive on campus, thanks to organizations such as the Bennion Center and students who continue to support them. We encourage students to remember volunteering is more than just a great way to pad a résumé.

Students should sleep more, use less caffeine

By By Gina Lea Nickl September 21, 2008

By our own choices we aren't getting enough sleep. Energy drinks and caffeinated sodas make it easier for us to do more harm to ourselves.

Chaffetz immigration reform offensive

By By Zach Edmunds September 21, 2008

Not only does Chaffetz's stance on immigration alienate the undocumented and their families, it also makes it hard for their representatives to support any legislation that he brings to the table.