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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Fines don?t deter phone use

By By Alicia Williams September 11, 2008

Drivers don't need a law with a punishment to comprehend the fact that using a cell phone while driving is not safe or appropriate. The looming consequence of getting in a wreck while talking on a cell phone is much worse than a $100 ticket, and even that doesn't stop it from happening.

Use 9/11 as an aid against future fear

September 11, 2008

To truly honor the victims of 9/11, we need to do more than use them as a political bargaining chip. Any official, politician or candidate who uses fear to motivate citizens should be condemned and discredited. Politicizing such a tragedy is a dirty trick.

Counseling needed for underage drinkers

By By Andrew Cengiz September 11, 2008

If underage students drink repeatedly, they should be kicked out of school or required to undergo the counseling.

Credit a trap for students

By By Liz Carlston September 11, 2008

According to the Consumer Credit Counseling Services, the average student leaves college with a credit card debt of between $8,000 and $10,000 (student loans not included). Credit-card debt hit more than $600 billion this year8212;almost half of that amount is owed by college-age students or new graduates.

Students should support alert system

By By Gina Lea Nickl September 10, 2008

The U has launched a campaign to inform students of the new options for the Campus Alert System but the campaign still hasn't reached all the students. Students should support the campaign by signing up for the system.

UTA should conform to customers demand

By By James Sewell September 10, 2008

In order for mass transit to retain its popular and lasting appeal, it needs to not only be functional, but also responsive to the needs of the ridership, which includes not just pedestrians, but cyclists as well.

Palin not a good choice, people are fooled if they think so

September 10, 2008

That McCain would select Palin speaks volumes about his suspect ability to make good decisions. Speaking as a geezer myself, I hope that all U students have thought about what this election means to your future, and not be taken in by this cynical and self-serving publicity stunt by McCain.

Give UCard a rest

By By Jeffrey Jenkins September 10, 2008

The U needs to implement a contingency system that would allow students who are for whatever reason without their UCards access to the services on campus by requiring their uNID number and password, driver's license or birth date to verify who they are.

Students should be grateful despite library delays

September 10, 2008

I am disappointed by the remarks in The Chronicle's house editorial ("Library delays are product of poor planning" Sept. 5). I am disappointed by the lack of understanding and appreciation for what has occurred before our eyes in an extremely complex and difficult construction project.

K-UTE should use ASUU funding, FM frequency, local bands

By By Andrew Cengiz September 9, 2008

Although KUTE will always be a part of the U, it needs to be given the freedoms of a privatized radio station to truly "develop" a dying craft. If KUTE is going to succeed, it needs innovation, student support and some currently lacking trust from higher-ups.