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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Errant U.S. Bomb Kills 3, Injures 19 Soldiers

By , , and December 5, 2001
WASHINGTON?Three American soldiers were killed and 19 wounded in Afghanistan Wednesday when a U.S. bomb missed its Taliban target. The bomb, carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives, landed about 100 yards from the soldiers' position north of Kandahar, where the Taliban is making its last stand against Afghan opposition forces.

Congress OKs $3M for Light Rail Extension

December 5, 2001
The Utah Transit Authority and the U received the congressional green light on the hospital light rail line Tuesday. The U.S. Congress appropriated $3 million to extend the TRAX line from Rice-Eccles Stadium to University Hospital as part of its annual Transportation Appropriations Act.

THe Chronicle’s View: Chance for Students to Save Money

December 4, 2001
How do you spell relief? According the Associated Students of the University of Utah, the answer?found on 1,300 strategically placed posters and 10,000 flyers around campus?is "b-o-o-k-e x-c-h-a-n-g-e." The concept of the book exchange has been around for quite some time, and the idea that one can thrive online for U students holds enormous promise.

Letter to the Editor: Carry on With Concealed Weapons

Editor: The U's policies toward law abiding students who possess concealed firearm permits is illegal. That is a fact. I have the Utah State Attorney General informal opinion on that subject. From a legal standpoint, the U is putting itself in a very difficult position.

Opinion Cartoon

By , , and December 4, 2001

What U Does With Money Will Dictate Progress

December 4, 2001
When state legislators want to know if a state program is functioning well and using the government's money appropriately, they call on Legislative Auditor General Wayne L. Welsh. At the request of legislative leaders, Welsh and his staff of auditors review government programs, give recommendations for their improvement, assess their efficiency?and sometimes recommend termination of the programs.

Quote of the Day

By , , and December 4, 2001
"I usually go to church to nap, and I knew this day in church would require a little more active involvement."

85,000 baby teeth found at Washington U.-St. Louis

By By U Wire December 4, 2001
ST. LOUIS, Mo.?If the tooth fairy had flown into the dark, musty Washington University storage facility in May along with some administrators on a spring cleaning mission, her reaction would have been similar to someone who had just won the enamel lottery, as 85,000 baby teeth were discovered in an ammunition bunker at WU's Tyson Research Center.

Boston U. to aid families of Sept. 11 victims

By By U Wire December 4, 2001
BOSTON?Children of Boston University alumni killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are eligible for full tuition under a new legacy scholarship, the Board of Trustees decided at their October meeting. The scholarships would cover tuition costs for four years at BU, according to University spokesman Colin Riley.

01 – ’02 Greek Council Elected

December 4, 2001
The results are in. The newly elected greek executive board has many issues confronting it in the upcoming year, and some of those issues have been around for a long time. The Greek Council held its annual elections on Monday in the Union. Both the Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils elected a president, vice president and recruitment chair.