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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Letter to the Editor: Romney’s Reality

Editor: Once again, I am a little perplexed by a Daily Utah Chronicle column. This time it was a little too off-the-cuff to ignore. John Morley's March 26 column "Mitt Needs a Dose of Reality to Continue Success" was a rather weak attempt to go after someone just for the sake of going after them.

Letter to the Editor: Enriching Campus Life

Editor: In the April 3 edition of The Daily Utah Chronicle, the Chronicle editorial board stated that the Associated Students of the University of Utah Presenter's Office "rarely sponsors events that appeal to, or enrich, students' academic or social lives.

Life After Graduation: Starting the Job Search

By , , and April 7, 2002
As graduation day rolls around, it's necessary to start a job search campaign?unless you are joining the "family firm." Developing an effective rsum is the first step in every job search. Here are some suggestions: 1. A rsum is your brochure?it should be simple and highlight your accomplishments and selling points.

Eating It Up: Curt Larson Loves Service and Cheese Sandwiches

By Rosemary Winters#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Baseball Looking for Rest Against Mesa State

By , , and April 7, 2002
Getting back on the field and forgetting about the losses to BYU is exactly what the U baseball team wants to do, and it will get its chance today in a doubleheader against Mesa State. Utah is 20-16 and will have a good chance to pad that record, as it has already taken two out of three games against Mesa State earlier in the year, on the road.

North Dakota and South Dakota to Pursue Open Dialogue

By By Dan Thomas and April 7, 2002
After 113 years of separation, leaders of North Dakota and South Dakota have expressed interest in establishing an open dialogue that could lead to re unification of the two states. North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven first mentioned the possibility of opening talks with his state's neighbor to the south at a press conference last month.

The Secret Middle Name of the New ASUU President

It's time to settle the debate once and for all. For weeks now, students at the U have speculated about Billy Edwards' middle name. Now that Edwards has been elected Associated Students of the University of Utah president, people are absolutely dying to know.

Celebrities, Beer and Jesus?the Write-Ins for ASUU President

April 7, 2002
The Impact Party beat Elevation in one of the closest elections in Associated Students of the University of Utah history. But the most surprising results in the final election for student body office was the third and fourth place finishers?ASUU sucks came in third with eight votes, while ASUU Sucks came in fourth with four votes.

A New Wave of Mexican Fast Food Restaurants Revitalize the Genre

April 7, 2002
During dinner hours at the Caf Rio, the long line of customers snakes through the tables and fills the bustling restaurant. The wait can be 30 minutes long, but it's been that way at the Mexican fast food eatery (if it can still be called fast-food) since it opened about three years ago.

Porn-Sex Addict Rocks Administration!!

SALT LAKE COUNTY JAIL?In a new development in the ongoing U porn scandal, The Comical has identified Dean of Students Stayner Landward as the "mini Porn Czar." In its April 1 edition, The Comical outed ASUU President Ben Lowe as the massive porn freak he is.