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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Police Report: Driver Harasses Parking Lot Attendant

By By Beth McPhee January 29, 2002
A driver tried to follow another vehicle out of the pay lot. In his attempt, the exit gate came down on his vehicle. The frightened lot attendant said the man got out of his vehicle and pounded on the booth window. Identifying him with his vehicle registration, the police searched the ballet building for him, but they didn't find him.

Student Senate Votes to Increase Chief of Staff Compensation

By , , and January 28, 2002
Jay Hart works 30 to 50 hours a week at a job that only pays him $450 a semester. His position as chief of staff in the student government also provides a tuition waiver, but Hart and other leaders believe $450 is not enough for a student to live off of, and they are working to throw more money at his post.

Health Sciences Gets $600K Grant, Awards

By , , and January 28, 2002

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Gore Involved in Enron Scandal

Amidst the Enron scandal that has hit the nation, former vice president Al Gore's name somehow surfaced. Rumors began after a National Enquirer headline linked Gore to the scandal. When approached by the FBI, Gore apparently became extremely shaky and defensive.

The Bible Says That Guns Are Good

Niccolo Machiavelli said there are two things a wise ruler must never touch if he wants to avoid incurring the wrath of his people: women and money. To those two, I'd like to add a third: guns. Firearm possession is a God-given right. The first chapter of Genesis, verse 53 says, "And God gave unto Adam the right to pack heat.

U Has No Legal Leg to Stand on in Gun Debates

I have watched with considerable interest as the campus gun policy debate has continued to build and intensify. I am a third-year law student, a proud member of the College of Law Gun Rights Advocates (GRA) and a concealed-weapons permit holder. I am unashamed of all three of these distinctions despite societal stigmas that are attached to each.

Opinion Cartoon

By , , and January 28, 2002

Letter to the Editor: Campus Conflict Is Petty Power Struggle

Editor: The same old arguments are being made in support of the U gun ban policy, this time by President Bernie Machen before the Utah state Legislature. Does Bernie's rhetoric actually make any logical sense? He makes three claims as a basis for his gun ban argument, but never backs them up with any sort of evidence.

Student Teachers Contend With Interrupted Schedule

January 28, 2002
Many students are celebrating a month-long Olympic break, but for some it's more of a disruption. Student teachers from the department of teaching and learning have to interrupt their normal schedules to accommodate the time off. "We can't require student teachers to teach during the break," said Char Shepard, director of teacher licensure programs.

U Gun Policy Receives National Attention

January 28, 2002
Two weeks ago, the U's gun policy made local headlines. Since then, gun discussion has died down between U officials and lawmakers, however, the U's policy is gaining national media attention. The New York Times, The Chronicle of Higher Education, ABC, CNN and NBC telephoned or visited the U last week.