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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Letters to the Editor

?Mentor? program raises questions

November 18, 2009

Last spring, Tayler Clough, president of the Associated Students of the University of Utah, campaigned with a promise to install a U-sponsored student mentoring program for Utah high schools. But as ASUU approaches a vote on the program, we wonder if "mentoring" is the right word.

TCU photo distasteful

November 17, 2009

The picture that graced the front page of Monday's edition was so in-your-face queer that it offended me.

Chronicle should help writers build skills

November 12, 2009

I used to work at The Chronicle many, many years ago, and in fact my time there had more impact on my career path and the joys of my later life than any other single event or decision. I rarely see The Chronicle, but today I picked up a copy while having lunch downtown. I was struck by the fairly significant grammar errors in two front-page leads.

Funding still steady for Huntsman Cancer Institute

November 5, 2009

After reading the articles featured in your Nov. 3 issue that focused on the problem and hope of cancer research, we want to commend you for examining some of the issues surrounding this devastating disease.

DeChristopher will be proven innocent by peers

November 4, 2009

I appreciated both Matt Plummer's recent column ("DeChristopher's "necessary evil' still a crime," Nov. 2)

Oaks didn?t misuse First Amendment

October 26, 2009

In his column ("Church, politics don't mix" Oct. 19), Zack Oakey responds to Dallin Oaks'

Financial aid office at U fails students

By By West Valley October 19, 2009

The financial aid office at the U needs to be held accountable. Why are students not a top priority?

Nuclear waste nothing to fear

By By Devin Heaps October 8, 2009

In response to Kelly O'Neill's column ("Nuclear waste too harmful," Oct. 7), the key word in the article was "bury." Very few types of harmful radiation can penetrate soil or other shielding. Additionally, please remember that all radiation is governed by the 1/r^2 law.

Nuclear waste not harmful

October 7, 2009

Editor:In response to Kelly O'Neill's column ("Nuclear waste too harmful," Oct. 7), the key word in the article was "bury." Very few types of harmful radiation can penetrate soil or other shielding. Additionally,...

Planned Parenthood health care good choice for students

September 29, 2009

Obviously our country is experiencing a rather heated health care debate, and until something is done about our current system, people, particularly college students, need to know about where they can receive affordable services.