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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor: Columnists: tackle issues, do not accuse

April 11, 2013

Editor: A recent issue of The Daily Utah Chronicle carried an opinion piece and a cartoon attacking the motives and the activities of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC — “United...

Letter to the Editor: Divestment from fossil fuels offers the U no downside

March 19, 2013

Editor: Divestment from fossil fuel companies is one of the most effective, low-risk and common sense actions the U can take to combat the current and future impacts of climate change. Our administration...

Letter to the Editor: The U’s delay of Winslow investigation uncalled for

March 18, 2013

Editor: The U has now commenced a long overdue investigation to examine numerous charges made by student-athletes and their parents from the swimming and diving program. I am one of the parents who has...

Letter to the Editor: Debate comments offensive

March 1, 2013

Editor: I recently listened to the radio broadcast of the ASUU election debates. I have friends running for both parties, so I wanted to support both sides. As far as I could tell, in my opinion the HOUSE...

Bicycles should be restricted to edges of campus to avoid injuries

March 7, 2011

Bicycles on campus walkways are hazardous to the common student, and banning them through the middle of campus should be seriously considered. On multiple occasions I have felt a rush of terror as a bicyclist or skateboarder zips by me and in some instances has clipped my side

Parking punishments too strict

December 9, 2009


Monday night I headed to the Warnock Engineering Building to finish an unnecessary lab report, and I parked between two handicapped spots in the yellow lined area.

Condom column inappropriate

By and December 7, 2009

This is just a reader's vote regarding Craig Blake's column in the issue, ("Sexual health victory is a reason to celebrate," Nov. 26).

New system in library makes research harder

November 23, 2009

Editor:As a Marriott Library patron, I'm writing to second retired librarian Raymond Daoust's frustration with the library's Automated Retrieval Center ("Innovation replaces service," Nov. 19).Last week,...

Research labs create a moral dilemma

November 19, 2009

I happened to be a bystander during PETA's protest rally at the U and had the chance to speak with one of the protesters.

Judge should have allowed DeChristopher?s defense

November 18, 2009

Judge Benson's ruling came down against Tim DeChristopher's ability to defend himself in a court of law.