The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

KUTE needs funding

By By The Chronicle's View October 25, 2006
After ASUU's efforts last week, KUTE student radio workers must feel as though they're tied to the tracks as a speeding train approaches. On Oct. 17, at the Associated Students of the University of Utah's Assembly Special Projects Committee, a joint bill was proposed to strike KUTE's yearly $15,000 allotment from the budget.

The Chronicle needs to stop publishing hateful letters

April 26, 2006
Editor: I just wanted to thank The Chrony for wasting its time and mine by continuously printing all the disgusting opinions of J.D. Bowns and Kellen Wilson. Their dedication to racism, ignorance and hatred is obvious in their never-ending letters. It's sad to see that bigots have so much to share with so little wisdom.

Whatchu talkin’ bout, Willis?

March 6, 2006
"16 Blocks" Warner Bros. Pictures Directed by Richard Donner Written by Richard Wenk Starring: Bruce Willis, Mos Def, David Morse, David Zayas and Jenna Stern Rated PG-13/95 minutes Opens today Two-and-a-half out of four stars Let me just say this: I love Bruce Willis.

The Big Idea party is fiscally responsible

March 6, 2006
Editor: ASUU elections are here again, and that means thousands of dollars of donated money are being utilized to fund student campaigns. This money does not come from student fees, but rather from student's pockets and, sometimes, mommy and daddy's checkbooks.

Israel/Palestine relations are very difficult to sort out

March 6, 2006
Editor: I was born in Israel and served in the Israeli Defense Forces as an infantry officer for three years. The character and acts of the prime minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, have been controversial. He made some serious political and military mistakes, which may not be forgotten, especially by those who were affected by these decisions.

Less-than-stellar year for university funding

By By Jay Logan Rogers March 6, 2006
The Utah State Legislature allocated an "average" amount of funding for higher education this year, in spite of a budget surplus, experts said. That means more funding will probably be needed from students. "Higher education had a modest legislative session with regard to appropriations," said Kim Wirthlin, U vice president for government relations.

My life is hell

By By Alex Steele March 6, 2006
This country puts people in prison to punish them, not for rehabilitation, said defense attorney and U professor Ron Yengich at an Honor's Program lecture on Dante's Inferno. Yengich strongly advocated a system that favors restorative justice with rehabilitation facilities and programs rather than incarceration.

Editorial Cartoon

By By Kurt Francom March 6, 2006

By Kurt Francom#post_author_author, .post_author_avatar, .post_author_box{ display: none; }

Was the punishment decreed by ASUU Supreme Court fair, or should it have been worse?

Fawson and Coloroso: The ASUU Supreme Court ruled Sunday to prohibit the BLOC Party's top three candidates from including their names on official student ballots. The move came in response to an investigation of the BLOC Party's finances, which revealed an error in reporting expenditures and income.

The Daily Utah Chronicle changes hands

March 3, 2006
The U Publications Council announced Danyelle White, graduate student in creative writing/poetry, as the new editor in chief of The Daily Utah Chronicle for the 2006-2007 school year. White, who was named as the new editor on March 1, started at The Chronicle in the summer of 2002 as a part-time copy editor.