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The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle


Hessel should inspire better activism

March 6, 2013

Fiachra Gibbons once said of Stéphane Hessel, “the great [man] is dead — a man who symbolized the best of France having survived the worst of it.” On Feb. 26, the world lost a magnificent man and...

Society’s commodification of life immoral

March 6, 2013

Moral intuitions serve to guide us as to the quality of our behaviors. That’s my take on Harvard professor Michael Sandel’s Tanner Lecture on Human Values on Tuesday. Typically, life insurance is...

Utah’s spring break appeal sorely lacking

March 5, 2013

Spring break is a ritualistic event in the United States. Anyone you choose off the street could list any number of places to go for the best and biggest parties across the nation during March and April....

Welfare recipients can help society by serving jury duty

March 5, 2013

The two most formidable swear words in America are “jury duty.” A citizen’s obligation to serve as a juror entails long hours and little pay (less than minimum wage — which is definitely something...

Congress must learn to compromise

March 5, 2013

March 1 came and went, and no deal to avoid sequestration was made. This means automatic budget cuts totaling nearly $85.4 billion will be established, slashing programs in special education, military...

Market society too dangerous for U.S.

March 4, 2013

Michael Sandel, a political philosopher and professor at Harvard, spent the day on campus on Wednesday. The author of “What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets,” Sandel spoke at a lunch...

Election ills shift focus off issues

March 4, 2013

Out of one election and into another. Admittedly, the upcoming elections for ASUU probably don’t register on students’ radars like the national elections did, despite students having a greater, more...

Letter to the Editor: Debate comments offensive

March 1, 2013

Editor: I recently listened to the radio broadcast of the ASUU election debates. I have friends running for both parties, so I wanted to support both sides. As far as I could tell, in my opinion the HOUSE...

Same-day voting registration won’t fix Utah voters’ apathy

March 1, 2013

Democrats in Utah have proposed HB 91, which would provide for same-day voter registration as ostensibly a means of countering lower voter turnout in Utah. For decades in the late 20th century, Utah had...

‘Sequester’ signifies new meaning for cuts

March 1, 2013

When the term sequester is brought up, most people believe it means separating a person or a thing from its normal environment. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, in fact, it means just: “to...