The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The University of Utah's Independent Student Voice

The Daily Utah Chronicle

The Chronicel’s View: Get hooked up at the Union

January 27, 2005
Renovation of the engineering building resulted in the loss of one of the most-used computer labs on campus. Of all the services offered from student fees paid each semester, none has the mass appeal of the computer labs. Although it's one of the most expensive fees, it's a service that can be used by any student at any one of the many labs around campus.

Opinion Cartoon

January 27, 2005

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Brain Awareness Week

By By [email protected] January 27, 2005

By [email protected] would like to request that the following be placed on the Chronicle's Events Calender.For further information I can be reached at 585-6501ThanksLincoln A. HuntChair, Brain Awareness...

high school student newspaper contest

By By [email protected] January 27, 2005

By [email protected],Our advisor at Layton High forgot to send the money for the high school newspaper contest. We were wondering if it was too late to send the money and still be up...

Making the list

January 10, 2005
It's officially over, and it's only just begun. The year of the W (Wu-Tang or George???) is now behind us, for better and for worse, and what that means is it's now time to turn a critical eye on the pop-culture comings and goings of the Year That Was. Hence the A&E Best/Schmest Awards.

Return of the calendar

January 10, 2005
Jan. 10 Monday So what did you do over Winter Break? Calendar may or may not have lost a left hand in a saber fight and found out that our father, The Man, is the dark sith of the universe. You know, pretty usual stuff. But, hey-you'd think that would stop Calendar from bringing U (oh, that crafty, crafty letter) a constant and attractive listing of things to do when your head isn't stuffed in a book.

Go away, Urban

December 7, 2004
Now that Urban Meyer has formally announced his plans to leave the U, he should pack his bags and get off the campus. Perhaps campus police should enforce this because Meyer no longer has a right to participate in any activity related to the school.

Pre-med students sleep out in the cold to benefit homeless

By By Patrick Muir December 3, 2004
About a dozen students from the pre-med chapter of the American Medical Student Association slept outside the Park Building Thursday night participating in the third annual Cure For the Cold, an event that helps raise donations for and awareness of the homeless.

U study: Evolution led to long-distance running, higher human standards

December 3, 2004
Marathon enthusiasts wouldn't be able to run their races if humans had evolved differently, and beauty queens would be judged by much different standards. A new study by U professor of biology Dennis Bramble and Harvard anthropologist Daniel Lieberman have shown that humans had to evolve in order to run long distances.


December 3, 2004
In the spirit of such sketch comedies as "Saturday Night Live" and "Kids in the Hall," the Union Programming Council will hosting its first-ever "Friday Night Live" today in the Union. The entertainment is broken into two parts, both free to students. The first will begin at 11:30 a.